Apotegmes de les “Vitas
catalanes Apothegm from the Catalan “Vitas Patrum” |
Lluís Columba Batlle |
Edition of a fragment of Verba seniorum by Pope Pelagius from a fourteenth century manuscript, which throws some light on the original Catalan version.
Una visió integrada
del diasistema fonològic català An integrated vision of Catalan phonologic system |
Ángel López García |
The author proposes a new method for studying the Catalan vocalic system, which takes into account all the dialects and explains the neutral [] as an internal necessity of the system.
Curial e Güelfa,
petges mitològiques “Curial e Güelfa”, mythological traces |
Xavier Gómez |
Sistematic study of sources explicitly or implicitly cited in the anonymous novel “Curial e Güelfa”.
Universitat, llengua i societat a les Illes
Balears University, language and society in the Balearic Islands |
Gabriel Bibiloni |
A critical study on the use of Catalan at the University of Palma and on the results of a social-linguistic survey in Mallorca, which shows the compatibility of the spanishisation process and increasing prestige of Catalan.
Notes sobre un manuscrit
inèdit de Lluís Galiana Notes on an unpublished manuscript of Lluís Galiana |
Josep Corell |
Commentary on an epigraphic essay by Father Galiana, which was used to parody pseudo-specialists and to practice Latin.
propòsit d’una traducció valenciana dels Aforismes rurals
de Narcís Fages de
Romà On a Valencian translation of Aforismes Rurals of Narcís Fages de Romà |
August Rafanell |
Notes on some linguistic and sociolinguistic aspects of the Valencian “translation”.
Unes cançons amoroses inèdites
de la primera meitat del segle XVI. Estudi i edició Some unpublished love songs from the first half of the XVIth century. Study and edition |
Jaume Garau |
A philological edition and literary study of 22 anonymous love songs found in an accounting manuscript in the Chapter Archive of Mallorca.
Les preposicions, més predicats que
mai Prepositions, more predicates than ever |
Sílvia Martí i Vicenç Miñana |
A new semantic and syntactic approach to prepositions.
Lectura i cultura de la dona a l’edat
mitjana: opinions d’autors en català Lecture and culture in the Middle Age woman: opinions of authors in Catalan |
Rosanna Cantavella |
The access of women to literature was the object of diatribes of many Catalonian medieval writers, but in the 15th century it became a socially accepted fact.
A l’entorn de la unitat de la llengua:
sociolingüística i filologia About the unity of language: Sociolinguistics and Philology |
Miquel Pueyo |
Philological argumentations only do not make evident the unity of a language.
El teatre procedent del Principat representat
a València (1833-1936) Theatre coming from Catalonia, performed in València (1833-1936) |
Gabriel Garcia Frasquet |
Catalonian Theatre is translated into Spanish when performed in València. This is a clear confirmation of the failure of the Renaixença Valenciana.